Cyber Valley makes strong showing at ICML 2022
Numerous accepted papers at leading machine learning conference

Like last year, Cyber Valley partner institutions successfully submitted 23 scientific articles to the ICML. The conference, held this year in Baltimore, USA, began on July 17 and continues through July 23.
“Our enduring presence at leading global conferences such as ICML is not only a testament to the quality of research at Cyber Valley partner institutions, but also that we have established ourselves broadly at the international level,” says Philipp Hennig, professor of machine learning methods at the University of Tübingen and deputy speaker of the Cyber Valley Executive Board.
Since Cyber Valley was founded at the end of 2016, the dynamic AI ecosystem in the Stuttgart/Tübingen region has consistently gained momentum in the fields of machine learning, robotics, and computer vision. In addition to attracting world-class senior scientists, Cyber Valley’s graduate programs have quickly gained a solid international reputation among young researchers in the field of modern AI.
Chair for the Methods of Machine Learning at the University of Tübingen
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