The Max Planck-ETH PhD program: Call for Applications
The Max Planck ETH Center for Learning Systems is offering funded PhD positions for 2021.

The Max Planck ETH Center for Learning Systems (CLS), a joint academic program between the Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule (Zurich, Switzerland) and the Max Planck Society, primarily the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (Stuttgart / Tuebingen, Germany), is currently accepting applications for 2021.
The highly competitive fellowship program aims to advance artificial intelligence by achieving a fundamental understanding of perception, learning, and adaption in complex systems through a platform for exchange in research and education. Applicants should have a strong interest in doing basic research in areas such as:
• Machine learning and empirical inference of complex systems
• Machine intelligence, including machine vision and natural language understanding
• Perception-action cycle for autonomous systems
• Robust model-based control for intelligent behavior
• Robust perception in complex environments
• Synthetic, bio-inspired, and bio-hybrid micro/nanoscale robotic systems
• Haptic intelligence
• Data-driven computational biology and medical informatics
• Neurotechnology and emergent intelligence in nervous systems
Ph.D. students are co-supervised by an advisor from each partner institution. All Ph.D. fellows will register as graduate students at ETH Zurich. Upon successful completion of their Ph.D. project, they will be granted a doctoral degree by ETH. The program offers a wide range of activities including retreats, workshops, and summer schools. Fellowships are remunerated through employment contracts with the Max Planck Society and ETH Zurich. The program language is English.
Applicants must hold or expect to hold an excellent master's degree in a relevant subject and should be enthusiastic about spending time during at both CLS partner institutions over the course of their Ph.D. Good written and spoken English is essential. Anyone who meets our academic requirements is encouraged to apply, regardless of gender, nationality, or background.
Please submit your application through our online application portal. Applications sent via email or postal services will not be considered. The application deadline is midnight (23:59 CET) on November 2, 2020.
For further information about financial support, required documents, and our selection process please visit:
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